E-Mail Templates

  1. 8.1 How to add a new e-mail template
  2. 8.2 How to edit an e-mail template
  3. 8.3 How to copy an e-mail template
  4. 8.4 How to delete an e-mail template
  5. 8.5 How to use placeholders


email templates

After you signed in successfully, an overview of all existing projects is displayed to you. To access the administration of your e-mail templates, click the orange welcome button in the upper right corner of your browser. A dropdown menu should appear. Click Administration to access the general administration of your account. In the left navigation of the administration, click E-Mail Templates. All existing templates are displayed in a dynamic table that lets you search and sort your templates. You can send e-mails to your participants. Click the grey plus sign in the upper right corner of your browser to add a new e-mail template. With each template a blue pencil and a red trash can are provided for editing and deleting.


With each e-mail template the following settings are available:

Active: Enable this checkbox if you wish to use the template.

Name: A title for your template.

Subject: The subject of this e-mail template.


Message: The content of this e-mail template.


How to add a new e-mail template:

1. In the general administration go to E-Mail Templates.

2. Click the grey plus sign add in the upper right corner of your browser.

3. Fill out the form displayed in the dialogue.

4. Click Save.


How to edit an e-mail template:

1. In the general administration go to E-Mail Templates.

2. Find the template you wish to edit and click the blue pencil edit next to it.

3. Enter your changes in the dialogue's form.

4. Click Save.


How to copy an e-mail template:

1. In the general administration go to E-Mail Templates.

2. Find the template you wish to copy and click the green copy symbolcopy.

3. Enter your changes in the dialogue's form.

4. Click Save.


How to delete an e-mail template:

1. In the general administration go to E-Mail Templates.

2. Find the template you wish to delete and click the red trash can delete next to it.

3. Confirm your decision to delete this template by clicking OK.


How to use placeholders:

You can use placeholders in the message of your template that will be replaced by information concerning your participant, project, company or you. This is what a placeholder looks like:


A placeholder always starts and ends with a dollar sign. At section you specify the object type of the information you wish to display. At field you specify the information you wish to display. Section and field are divided by a comma.

The following object types are available:

participant The participant receiving this e-mail.
project The project to which the participant belongs.
self Your account.
system Your company.
applinks Links to the Google Play Store and to our Webapp.

The following information are available:

Information Object type
name participant The participant's username.
realname participant The participant's first and last name.
password participant The participant's password.
description participant The short description of the participant.
email participant The participant's e-mail address.
mobilphone participant The participant's mobile phone number.
phone participant The participant's phone number.
name project The project's name.
number project The project's number.
description project The short description of the project.
start project The project's start date.
end project The project's end date.
appinterval project The project's interval for notifications.
name self Your username.
fullname self Your first and last name.
description self A short description of you.
email self Your e-mail address.
phone self Your phone number.
mobilphone self Your mobile phone number.
companyname system Your company's name.
companystreet system Your company's street.
companyzip system Your company's postcode.
companycity system Your company's city.
companyland system Your company's country.
contactfirstname system The first name of your company's contact.
contactlastname system The last name of your company's contact.
contactemail system The e-mail address of your company's contact.
phone system The phone number of your company's contact.
mobile system The mobile phone number of your company's contact.
google applinks Link to the Google Play Store.
webapp applinks Link to our Webapp.
all applinks Links to the Google Play Store and to the Webapp.